10 Ways to Help Your Dog Live Longer
Our precious pooches steal our hearts and become one of the family — but, sadly, they have a limited lifespan! But you can help your four-legged friend live longer by paying attention to these ten parts of their lives.
A Healthy Diet

Just like us, dogs can get too chubby! Ask your vet about the proper diet for their breed and stick to it. Studies have shown that pups kept at a healthy weight live an average of two years longer than furry fatties.
Brush Those Choppers

Like people, dogs need good dental hygiene to prevent plaque, gingivitis and periodontal disease that can lead to heart disease and organ damage. You should brush your canine’s teeth regularly, give them safe treats and chew toys, and take them to the vet for annual dental exams.
Make Home Safe

Look closely at every inch of your house trying to imagine what would be dangerous to a pet. For example, are there open cans of paint or oil in the garage? Take measures to dog-proof the home. Puppies have been famous for getting into trouble, but older dogs can also find themselves in danger.
Everyday Grooming

Besides making your dog feel good and reducing shedding, daily combing or brushing will also allow you to look for skin problems and catch any small tumors or other abnormalities earlier.
Mental Stimulation

A bored pooch can become anxious, depressed and even sick, so be sure to keep them on their toes with one-on-one attention, games, training, socialization and lots of outdoor exploration.
Train for Emergencies

Puppies soak up information like sponges, so make a game-and-reward to teach them lifesaving techniques with cue words for situations such as when they’ve slipped away and are running toward traffic or other dangers where they need to return to your side.

Going hand-in-paw with a healthy diet is plenty of exercise, which not only keeps Fido in shape, it reduces stress, boosts endorphins, builds muscle, supports the cardiovascular system — and keeps them happy.
Find a Good Vet

Make sure the veterinarian you choose has a good reputation, and go at least once a year for a checkup and to receive routine preventive care. Be sure your pup is spayed or neutered.
Train Yourself

Accidents do happen, and you can be prepared by learning how to perform the Heimlich maneuver on a dog, tie a tourniquet to stop bleeding or spot signs of poisoning. Keep a pet first-aid kit at hand and have the number of the closest animal hospital available.
Look Into Supplements

Some experts believe dogs that take supplements live longer. Recommended supplements are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin C, probiotics and glucosamine.