Andy Cohen Caught His Son Ben Sneaking Chips at 7 a.m. & We're Glad It's Not Just Our Kids
Andy Cohen is best known for interviewing celebrities and reality TV stars while hosting Bravo's Watch Watch Happens Live. But in recent years, he's fully embraced a new chapter of his life: parenthood.
Cohen welcomed his first child, Ben, via surrogate in February 2019, before adding a baby sister, Lucy, in April 2022. Since becoming a father, the media personality has offered a steady stream of photos and videos of his adorable kids —and in August 2023, the doting dad posted a seriously relatable clip of his 4-year-old son.

On August 19, Cohen took to Instagram to share a hilarious video with his followers showing Ben sneakily noshing on chips for breakfast.
"Ben, what are you doing hiding behind a chair with two bags of chips at seven in the morning?" he asked his son, who could be heard crunching away off-camera.
"Uh, eating chips because I love chips," Ben said.
To that, Cohen replied, "Eating chips because you love chips? Well, can I make you a real breakfast, please, instead?"
However, Ben wasn't interested; he insisted on finishing his salty snack session.
"First, I eat this," he said. "I do it every day now."
This was apparently news to the father-of-two. "You do it every day now? You hide and eat chips?" Cohen said before face-palming and shaking his head.
Cohen empathized, telling Ben, "I don't blame you. I love chips too, but there are some foods for breakfast and some foods for lunch and some foods for dinner, and chips aren't a breakfast food."
As Ben kept crunching away, Cohen rolled his eyes, smiled and wished his son a "good morning."
Based on the comments section of Cohen's Instagram post, plenty of folks were on Ben's side. One person pointed out, "I mean is a chip SO far off from a hash brown ? I’m with Ben!"
commented, "I’m with Ben on this one!"
Meanwhile, someone else added, "I have zero problem with this. I’m in full support."

Another recent parenting moment Cohen shared on Instagram also involved Ben. On July 28, he posted a clip of himself chatting with the preschooler while holding a Magic 8 Ball during breakfast.
"Ben, what is this called?" Cohen asked his son, who confidently answered off-camera, "A meatball."
"It's not called a meatball, silly, it's called an 8-Ball," Cohen responded, with a laugh.
"Yeah, but I like to call it a meatball," Ben clarified.
Well, we can't argue with that.
Hopefully, Cohen continues offering adorably hilarious looks inside his life with two kids — and especially the chats he has with Ben — because this kid is simply the cutest!