Burn Fat With the Help of Honey & Vinegar — in Addition to a Healthy Diet & Exercise
Could a cocktail of honey and apple cider vinegar help melt away excess fat? Possibly — but only when combined with a healthy diet and exercise.
“The average reduction of weight from taking cider vinegar is one-and-a-half pounds per week,” said Cyril Scott, author of Cider Vinegar, Nature's Great Health-Promoter and the Safest Treatment of Obesity. “This usually continues until the person reaches the right healthy weight for his or her body.”
The potent combination of honey and vinegar helps attack obesity, which Scott said results from insufficient oxidation of the blood, a condition that's possible to correct with the help of adding honey and vinegar to your diet.
“Cider vinegar is conducive to the proper oxidation of the blood,” said Scott.
As we grow older, the ability of our metabolism to burn off fat slows dramatically, and fat tends to settle in the midriff, buttocks and thighs. It is the most stubborn accumulation of fat in the body, and usually resists most diet efforts.

The honey and vinegar diet melts away fat in these areas by attacking it internally through the bloodstream. However, nutritionists and fitness experts warn that taking the combination will not in itself get those pounds off. You have to watch your diet and you have to do a moderate amount of exercise. If you don't, no weight loss program will work.
With that fact in mind, here's a sample of a honey and apple cider vinegar diet:
Begin each day with two teaspoons each of apple cider vinegar and pure honey in a glass of water. If the weight problem is severe, take the same mixture with each of your daily meals. You can also take it prior to bedtime if you want because it will help you to sleep.

Begin your exercise program by walking. Start out by hoofing 15 minutes every day. At first, you can set your own pace, strolling slowly if that's the best you can do.
Gradually increase your pace until you're comfortable, walking briskly along. Do this for 2 weeks.
At the beginning of the third week, add 5 minutes to your walking time. A week later, add another 5 minutes and the week after, step out for at least a half hour every day.
You'll find that your daily doses of honey and vinegar make your exercise program easier because the combination is invigorating. Pretty soon you'll be able to stretch your walking time to a full hour without any great effort on your part.
One caution: Check with your doctor before launching this or any other exercise program. they may want to modify it to suit your physical condition and age.

At the same time that you start your exercise program, begin your diet.
The best diets, those which have the most lasting effects, are ones which produce a steady loss of weight — you may know from experience that although crash diets do melt off the pounds you quickly regain the weight after you stop dieting. The key to the honey and apple cider vinegar diet is sensible eating habits.
You have to train your metabolism to accept your new diet, and that takes time. It's worth it, however, because a diet that takes metabolic factors into account is a diet which will produce permanent weight loss and one which will get it down to the point nature intended it to be.
The diet itself is simple and filling as well. You don't ever need to feel hungry.

Dos and don'ts:
1. Eliminate salt.
Flavor your food with small amounts of mustard, pepper or tasty herbs.
2. Use only low-fat milk.
Eliminate sugar. Use saccharin or the juice of stewed apples as sweeteners.
3. Eat fruits or whole-grain cereals for breakfast.
Don’t mix them. If you have fruit, avoid cereal or eggs.
4. Have a mid-morning snack.
Either a piece of fruit, a cup of plain yogurt or raw vegetables.
5. Stick to white meat of chicken or fish for lunch.
Or have a big salad with a low-cal salad dressing or one made with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and sweetener.
6. At dinner, you can have chicken, lamb or fish — broiled or roasted.
No red meat and no pork products. You can have broccoli, asparagus, sweet potatoes, or any vegetable except the white ones. Eat a large salad with lots of green vegetables and small amounts of celery. have fruit or low-cal Jell-O for dessert.
7. When you reach your weight loss goal, continue to take apple cider vinegar and honey.
It can help prevent gaining weight and keep you glowing with health.