Debra Messing Reveals She Has Tested Positive For Breakthrough COVID-19 Ahead Of New Year's Eve, Will Quarantine For 10 Days
What a bummer!
Debra Messing was forced to cancel her New Year's Eve plans after testing positive for the Coronavirus. The 53-year-old star shared the unfortunate news with an Instagram post that showed her indulging in some R&R, wearing a beauty face mask and a shower cap over her hair.
"I’m COVID POSITIVE. Yup," her caption began. "Happy New Year! Actually, it is the perfect end to 2021. The juicy cherry on the proverbial cake."

"So for the next 10 days - while in quarantine- I will beautify…..Or maybe I’ll sleep…I actually have a lot of work to do, but for the inevitable breaks, what should I watch?" the actress asked her fans. "Tell me in the comments!"
She ended her post with the following hashtags: "#COVID #quarantine #streamingTV #faceandhairmasks."
"How annoying," commented Chelsea Handler, while Miss J Alexander wrote, "Feel better @therealdebramessing 🤎."

The Will & Grace lead didn't mention whether she had received her booster shot, but on April 9, she posted a video as a nurse administered her the second dose of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine.
"I DID IT!!!! I am FULLY VACCINATED!!!!" she declared. "THANK YOU to EVERY researcher, doctor, nurse, first responder, governor, member of the Biden Administration for making this happen so quickly! 20% of the US is vaccinated!"
"Let’s keep it up everyone! Grab your friend, your family members, and go get your vaccination a soon as you can!" the Emmy nominee continued. "The quicker we get it, the quicker we can return to work, school, weddings, ball games, plays, concerts, family reunions~-all the things that bring us joy, and make us feel part of a larger community."
"Together, we can DO this!" she insisted, noting that you don't need health insurance to receive the vaccine and it's completely free of charge.
A multitude of other celebs have tested positive for COVID-19 of late as well, including Hugh Jackman, Meena Harris and LL Cool J.
Fortunately, Jackman, who is vaccinated and boosted, is hanging in there. "Hey, good morning. I just wanted you to hear it from me that I tested positive this morning for COVID," he stated while wearing a black face mask. "My symptoms are like a cold: I have a scratchy throat and a bit of a runny nose, but I'm fine."