Does Your Dog Love You? Here Are 12 Signs the Answer Is Yes!
Since it's tough to converse with your dog, you learn to read the signals he or she gives you. Does he want to go out? Is she hungry? And, of course, you want to know if your furry family member loves you as much as you love them!

1. Your dog licks you.
Basically, licking is a form of kissing for dogs. They show love by licking the hands or faces of their owners. They learn this as puppies because their mothers display affection when they lick their heads.
2. They want to cuddle.
Most pooches like a good cuddle after they eat. When you prepare the mail, they're excited and jumpy, but afterward, they're happy — and want to thank the cook!
3. They’re calm when you leave the house.
They're showing they know you'll return and they believe in you.

4. They smile.
When your pup is fed and relaxed, they turn to you and grin.
5. They make direct eye contact.
This is a great way of bonding with your dog. If they don't receive direct eye contact when you speak to them, the bonding won't occur. But if they look straight into your eyes, they're saying how much they care.
6. They run and jump around your legs excitedly.
This is a sign of happiness that you’re there.

7. They look at you and lift their eyebrows.
This is a way dogs communicate. It means they're letting you look into their soul.
8. They lean against you.
When dogs want your love and touch, they put their body next to yours.
9. They raid the hamper and steal your clothes.
Your clothes have your unique scent, which makes the dog feel connected to you and secure.

10. They look at you and yawn.
This means they feel happy around you and love your warmth and snuggles.
11. They like to sleep in your bed.
If your dog feels more comfortable sleeping with you than its own bed, then it's a sign of love coming from them.
12. They sense your love.
Dogs are like human babies who can sense the behavior of people. If you love them, they'll return that love to you.