'Own Your Imperfections': Fashion Icon Diane Von Furstenberg's Inspiring New Book Deserves A Space On Your Shelf
Fashion designer Diane von Furtsenberg just released another book. To celebrate International Women's Day on March 8, the icon launched Own It: The Secret To Life, which she was inspired to write during her downtime amid quarantine.
"When the pandemic happened, I was like everybody else — I was in my house and that made it more serious, because I became more reflective and that made finishing the book more serious," she shared. "I finished it, I think in September, and I'm very happy with it."
The work is formatted like an A-Z dictionary and features "her blueprint for enjoying both personal and professional growth at any age," the description reads on Amazon.
"Like everyone else, confinement forced me to pause and made me reevaluate who I was and what mattered most," she explains in the book's intro. "Whether personally or in my business, I had to confront what was not right anymore and accept what had to change. I had to face all the difficulties I was encountering and own them."
Unlike her past published pieces, von Furstenberg chose a unique way to express her experiences and values. "I had the idea of doing it as a dictionary, because I love words," she revealed. "In the introduction, I say that 'words have power.' My mother always taught me the value of words. So I started to write down the words that I liked, or ones that I did not like, and it just flowed."
"Every word in this book goes back to owning it, which is where the title comes from. It's owning who we are. You own your imperfections, they become your assets," she continued. "You own your vulnerability, they become your stride."
Though the star has worked in the fashion industry for decades, she thought now was the perfect time to share her wisdom.
"I am now a woman at the sunset of her life. And therefore, part of what I know I'm leaving behind is a beautiful family and my brand," von Furstenberg acknowledged. "But I also want to be able to use my voice, my experience, my knowledge and my connections in order to help other women to be the women that they want to be."
The designer chatted with PEOPLE.