Keep or Toss? All of the Foods You Should Throw Out of Your Fridge Immediately
Food does not last forever, no matter how carefully you store it.
The sniff test is safer than trying to taste it, but it’s not foolproof. To be safe, follow this rule: When in doubt, throw it out!
Here are the best guidelines for when to toss perishables.
1. Mayonnaise
Toss out the white condiment right on the expiration date.
2. Butter
Butter usually has a fridge life of one to three months.
3. Milk
With milk, you need to toss it on the expiration date and no later.
4. Cheese
Throw it out if you can see any mold on it
5. Eggs
If left uncooked, they will last three to five weeks in the fridge.
6. Cooked Meat
Leftovers last up to four days in the fridge, two to six months if you freeze it.
7. Fresh Ground Beef
Give it one to two days in the fridge, three to four months frozen.
8. Uncooked Red Meat
It’s good three to five days in the fridge, up to a year if frozen.
9. Produce
If it looks or smells like it’s starting to rot, it is. Toss!
10. Pork
Good for three to five days chilled, four to 12 months in the freezer.
11. Raw Chicken and Turkey
Poultry lasts two days in the fridge. A whole bird can last up to a year frozen.
12. Raw Fish
Just two days. Wrapped and frozen, it can last three to eight months.