Inflation Hacks: 13 Ways to Save More Money at the Supermarket
These days, with inflation running prices up into the stratosphere, we all need to change our shopping habits to save money!
Here are some tips from the experts on how to get the most bang for your buck at your grocery store.
1. Plan Your Meals and Make a List

Before heading to the store, make a weekly meal plan and list ingredients. This helps you buy only what you need and avoid impulse purchases or running back to the store when you finally do figure out what to have for dinner! And make sure you eat before you go. It’s a proven fact that a hungry shopper buys more food than is necessary.
2. Shop on Wednesdays

According to statistics, stores are less crowded on Wednesday evening so you’ll be less flustered and distracted. This means you can concentrate on price comparisons.
3. Utilize Frozen Foods

Frozen fruits, vegetables and meats can be more budget friendly than fresh ones and often have a longer shelf life. Give them a try instead of fresh once or twice a week. The savings will add up.
4. Use Coupons

It takes some work going through the flyers and coupons, but if you use them, you’ll start a snowball effect and save more and more money! Join the store’s loyalty program and take advantage of the discounts.
5. Buy Cheaper Cuts of Meat

Buy ground chicken or turkey in stead of beef, and don’t get put off by “tough” meats like chuck steak. There are many recipes that make these cuts of beef tender and delicious.
6. Shop Less Often

Even at the cheapest grocery stores, more visits means more grocery store spending. Keep trips down to once a week, if possible. This will also force you to use ingredients you have at home.
7. Grate Your Own Cheese

Just as you save money when you don’t buy pre-chopped fruits and veggies, you save easy money when you purchase a whole block of cheese instead of the grated or shredded versions stores sell. Get that grater out at home and voilà!
8. Explore Generic and Store Brands

Store brands frequently offer similar quality at a lower price compared to name brands. Give them a try to save some big bucks.
9. Watch the Register

Cashiers are human and they can make mistakes. Always check your receipts.
10. Get a Rain Check

If a store is advertising a product on sale but they’ve run out, get a rain check.
11. Skip Bottled Water

It’s good for the environment, of course, but switching to a water filtration system can also save you hundreds of dollars a year.
12. Purchase in Bulk

Consider buying nonperishable items like rice, beans and pasta in bulk. This usually leads to lower prices per unit. It will probably take you a while to use ten pounds of white rice but who cares, the shelf life goes on for years. The same goes for sugar and flour.
13. Buy Versatile Foods

Pantry staples like pasta, rice and potatoes can be used a million different ways, so you won’t get sick of them and toss the leftovers. Starchy basics are also a great way to feel full without breaking the bank.