Joni Patry exclusively tells Morning Honey how much she loves astrology and her job.
Exclusive: World-Renowned Vedic Astrologer and Founder of The Galactic Planner Joni Patry Says Astrology Is Her 'Life Calling': 'I Love What I Do'
Sept. 24 2024, Published 8:54 a.m. ET
Joni Patry, world-renowned Vedic astrologer and founder of The Galactic Planner and University of Vedic Astrology, venture into astrology began "many years ago" as a child in 1963.
"At the time, President Kennedy was coming to Dallas, and on the night of November 21, 1963, I saw astrologer/psychic Jeane Dixon on television, begging him not to go, warning that he could be assassinated. The next day, the unthinkable occurred, and I always wondered how she knew. My mother always had astrology books around the house, and since we shared the same Western sun sign — Scorpio — I started reading them at an early age," Patry exclusively tells Morning Honey, adding that she still "wonders" if Kennedy's assassination could have been "prevented" if he had listened to Dixon.
While at college at the University of Texas in Austin in the '70s, Patry found a teacher who taught her the math behind astrology and how to calculate and interpret horoscopes.
"While my roommates were going to sorority parties, I attended astrology classes with hippies. What I love about astrology is that it empowers us to become the best versions of ourselves," she explains. "In a birth chart, you can see people’s vast potential and inspire them to follow their path and destiny. It reveals their gifts, talents and what they excel at. By understanding the potential for their future and tendencies, I can offer guidance on taking advantage of the best timing to manifest opportunities and avoid challenges. I still believe that listening to an astrologer could have helped Kennedy avoid his assassination. I believe in free will and that we can use the timing of events to our advantage."
"Astrology is the study of cycles. Think of how powerful it is to know future trends. I believe astrology is one of the most valuable tools for improving our lives. It’s known as the Divine Science and encompasses various fields — astronomy, physics, geometry, psychology and spirituality. Astrology can be incredibly helpful during difficult times, as it allows people to understand when challenges will end, giving them strength to endure. It provides hope and reassurance that things will improve. Many clients have told me how comforting it was to have this knowledge as they navigated tough periods in their lives," she continues.

Joni Patry predicted the 2020 pandemic, the Paris attacks and more.
Patry, who predicted events like the 2020 pandemic, the Paris attacks, the attempt on Donald Trump, and most recently, the earthquake in Japan, practices Vedic astrology, the astrology of India, which is known for its uncanny accuracy in predictions.
"This is because it uses the sidereal system of calculation, which is astronomically correct. Unlike the tropical system used in Western astrology, which doesn't reflect the true placements of the zodiac, the sidereal system accounts for the actual movements of the stars. As a result, the signs you are familiar with in Western astrology differ in Vedic astrology, leading to more accurate predictions. My predictions for individuals, such as those regarding marriage, financial gains, and health are highly accurate. For example, I once predicted the exact day my son would meet his future wife. I have many stories of successful predictions for clients and friends that have helped them," she shares.
Ultimately, Patry's "favorite" thing is to assist others.
"Astrology helps others more than anything I know. Guiding people to find their life’s calling is truly life-changing. I once predicted to a client that he needed to get his heart checked. He followed my advice, and the doctor immediately placed a stent, which literally saved his life. My favorite moments are when people return for readings and tell me that I’ve changed their lives. The hardest part is when I foresee great difficulty ahead for a client. My motto is to provide information that is useful — helping them change their life for the better. Since everything is cyclical, I guide them on when things will improve and explain why certain challenges occur. Everything happens for a reason, and when we understand this, it allows us to learn life lessons and transform our lives," she says.
She adds, "I love teaching the very most. I have a school (University of Vedic Astrology) that teaches others how to predict and use astrology for themselves and others. It is all online and my live classes are weekly on Zoom. I have created a wonderful community of astrologers. It is a certification program that also teaches others how to set up an astrological practice for themselves. Another thing I love is traveling and I travel to other countries to teach and do readings around the world. I traveled to Turkey once a year for about 10 years and have many friends and students there. I also have done meetups and classes in Austria, Australia, Japan, England, India and Canada."

Joni Patry loves astrology and teaching others.
So far, Patry's proudest accomplishment, aside from raising three "amazing" sons, is founding the University of Vedic Astrology.
"My sons are undoubtedly my greatest achievement, but the University is a result of my life’s work, which has taken 45 years to build —through study and, most importantly, experience. I have personally lived through these astrological techniques, both in my clients' lives and my own. For example, I experienced Jupiter’s transit over my Sun in the 5th house of children when I became pregnant with one of my sons, Rahu’s transit over my natal Jupiter when my husband proposed, and Saturn’s transit over my Sun when my father passed away. I’ve lived astrology for the past 45 years," she explains.
Most recently, she launched her Galactic Planner calendar add-on, which was her son's idea, and it "allows everyone to benefit from astrology. With this new tool, my dream of making Vedic astrology mainstream is becoming a reality," she notes.
"I used to give him daily predictions based on his birth chart, which he would input into his phone to follow each day. After graduating from college, he was focused on his business and not interested in a relationship, but I predicted the exact day he would meet the woman he would marry. On that day, he did meet his future wife, and he even told her, 'My mom is an astrologer, and she told me I would meet you today.' He showed her the prediction on his phone. I’m surprised she didn’t run away, but instead, it was love at first sight. Years later, he said, 'Wouldn’t it be great if we could do this for other people, where their personal predictions appear on their phone calendar?'" she recalled. "And from that idea, the Galactic Planner was born. It calculates your personal birth chart, and based on the transiting planets that aspect your chart, it gives you personalized predictions directly in your phone and computer calendar. Now, everyone can know which days are favorable or unfavorable for events related to love, money, travel or health."
She adds, "There are many apps out there that offer something similar, but none that integrate directly into your personal calendars on your phone or computer. Even if there are some I’m not aware of, the key difference with the Galactic Planner is that all the explanations for each astrological event are written by me personally. I wrote every interpretation in the calendar, and it takes years of life experience to truly understand what each transit means. Another advantage is that you don’t need to know astrology to use it — I write the descriptions so that anyone can understand. For those who are interested, the specific astrological aspects are also listed."
Patry wants to make "Vedic astrology mainstream" in the future — as her University continues to flourish.
"I aim to educate the world about the value of astrology, which can be applied in countless life situations. An astrological birth chart can be used not only for individuals but also for events, allowing us to see the potential outcomes. Events have a birth time, and this is called a Muhurta (electional astrology), meaning you can choose an ideal time to begin an event. A chart can be calculated for the start of a marriage, business, surgery, trip,or anything else to predict the outcome. Another aspect of astrology, called Prashna or horary astrology, allows you to calculate a chart based on the moment a question is asked to determine the outcome — such as where a lost item might be. Astrology has also been used to predict outcomes in the stock market and sporting events. The possibilities for this divine science are truly endless," she notes.
"I hope to empower people to understand the true value of astrology as a personal guidance tool by educating them about what it really is and how it can help them. Astrology acts like a roadmap for life, providing guidance in all areas. It makes us aware of who we are, what we are here to learn and do, and prepares us for life’s unexpected turns. It also helps us understand our divine connection to the universe, reminding us that we are all part of it and here at a specific time to help humanity evolve. In fact, the more I learn about astrology, the more I understand our connection to the divine, which has greatly contributed to my spiritual growth and understanding," she continues.

Joni Patry said astrology is her 'life's calling.'
From publishing books to appearing on TV, Patry can clear do it all.
"Astrology is my life’s calling, and I love what I do. It has been incredibly rewarding, as I’ve had the opportunity to meet some of the most influential people in the world and have gained many special friends globally through astrology. One of my clients, world-famous sculptor Sabin Howard, recently completed his WWI sculpture titled A Soldier’s Journey, featuring 36 soldiers. It was just inaugurated in front of the White House in Washington, D.C., and I was honored to be one of the distinguished guests invited," she concludes.