Actress Miranda McKeon, 19, Will Be 'Cancer Free' After She Undergoes A Double Mastectomy
Anne With an E star Miranda McKeon is hopeful that she's nearing the end of her battle with stage 3 breast cancer.
The 19-year-old actress was diagnosed this summer and began chemotherapy treatments right away, with her last session occurring about a month ago. Now, she's taking the next step and undergoing a double mastectomy — something she's been planning since she received her diagnosis.
On November 10, she explained to fans via Instagram that the procedure will "remove all of the breast tissue under the skin on both sides as well as some lymph nodes on my right side."

"This will get rid of any cancer and significantly decrease my risk of reoccurrence in the future," the starlet explained. "This also means that 🥳I will be cancer free🥳!"
The decision didn't come easily, but after doing "so so so much research" with her mom and having "tens of hours of meetings" with surgeons, she felt this was the "perfect" option for her.
"Whereas with traditional mastectomies, women are left mostly totally numb in their chest- I will have a sensation preserving mastectomy which is safe from an oncologic standpoint but more care is taken when cutting nerves and nerve grafts are done to reconstruct cut nerves," she shared. "While it will certainly take a bit of time, I’m so grateful that I will return to looking and feeling like myself!"
The teen noted that the surgery was the second out of three steps until she's back in tip-top shape, as the process will be followed with radiation the next day.
"As always, I can’t thank everyone enough for their continued support. The people in my life show up for me each and everyday in ways that are so tender and heartwarming," she gushed. "I’m one lucky girl!!!!!!"

The blonde babe has kept a positive attitude throughout the ordeal, and ahead of her final chemo treatment in early October, she decided to shave her head.
"I was a bit surprised however by how beautiful I still feel without my hair," admitted McKeon afterwards. "I have realized that I am beautiful for my contributions in conversations, for my humor and my vulnerability, for the kind of friend I am and the way that I show up for those around me. My beauty is the least interesting thing about me."
"My friends and family have been so incredibly supportive and have shown me to my core that the people in my life don’t love me for the way I look, they love me for the person I am- and I really really love that person. I think she is so beautiful," the inspirational actress continued. "So while I certainly miss looking in the mirror and feeling beautiful in a conventional manner, I will continue to celebrate my beauty in a bigger, more meaningful way."