Morning Motivation: How To Lose the Snooze & Seize The Day
We all know what our morning guilty pleasure is: pressing the snooze button. A survey conducted by Happy Beds of about 3,000 people showed that 57 percent of them press the snooze button every day. But is that a healthy habit to have and what does the alternative – getting out of bed on your first alarm – offer you?
Here are a few tricks to help you find the morning motivation to rise and shine, and seize the day!
Danger: Why You Shouldn’t Press The Snooze Button
Amongst a nation of snoozers, getting up with your first alarm can seem like mission impossible. Long commutes, traffic jams, and morning frowns at work can often demotivate us to get out of bed full of energy and enthusiasm about the day ahead.
It’s easy to fall into such a pattern, especially if you’re working from home. All you need to do to start the working day is roll out of bed in your PJs and sleepwalk to your desk.
But skipping that window of physical and mental preparation in the morning can take its toll on your health. This is because the extra sleep you have when you snooze your alarm is of poor quality.
According to experts from Sleep Clinic Services, prolonged snoozes can lead to sleep inertia. That is the feeling of grogginess we often experience in the morning induced by the release of hormones which tricks our brain into thinking we’re about to go into deep sleep. The state usually lasts about 10-15 minutes, but in extreme cases can even last between two and four hours, thus affecting your nervous system.

How To Rise And Shine: Mind, Body & Soul Techniques
According to Dr. Neil Stanley, an independent sleep expert: “It's far better to have 30 minutes of consolidated sleep than to press the snooze button.” But how can you revamp your morning routine to find the motivation to instantaneously start your day?
We’re not talking about getting up at 5 a.m. and channelling all your productivity juices early in the morning. Although that routine has been proven to be extremely beneficial for your health, it can also seem daunting for many people. Instead, we’re talking about small changes in your routine that target your mind, body, and soul to give you a motivation boost.
Mind: Make Your Morning Fun
No one wants to wake up early in the morning with the first thought in their minds being, “I have such a long day of work ahead of me." Instead, change your mindset.
Getting excited about what’s to come is crucial for kick-starting your day. Stretch while still in bed, open the curtains to let the sunshine in, smile at the sunrise, and dance to an uplifting song in your favorite cosy pajama set in a mood-boosting print. It’s another day on Earth, and that’s awesome!
Body: Give Yourself The Gift Of Exercise & Nutrients
How often do you wake up ravenously hungry and reach for the same old bowl of cereal? The high sugar content will give you a blood sugar spike, making you irritated and sluggish once your levels drop significantly.
But what if you started your day with a meal packed full of nutrients that will provide you with energy and vitality? Smoothies, scrambled eggs, and porridge are quick to prepare yet extremely beneficial for your health, according to the NHS.
If you don’t have much time on your hands in the morning, you can prepare an overnight chia seed pudding before you go to sleep and store it in the fridge. Top it up with your favorite fruit and nuts to make it extra indulgent. Plus, knowing that there is a wholesome meal awaiting you will make you want to get out of bed asap.
But before you have your breakfast, consider giving yourself the gift of exercise. A 15-minute yoga session or a jog around the block will bring you a sense of satisfaction and make you happier due to the release of endorphins – it’s exactly what you need during the cold mornings!

Soul: Find The Peace Within
The way you feel on the inside is reflected on the outside. So, if you’re grumpy in the morning, it’s likely that things won’t go your way. To find joy in the small things and appreciate your morning routine, go within and nurture your soul.
After you’ve done your exercise, why not sit for a few minutes with your eyes closed and focus on your breath? Let the sunshine bask on your skin and soak in that vitamin D! Think about what you’re grateful for at that moment and what your intentions for the day are. You can even write them down in your diary to boost your manifestation powers. Journaling can significantly help you reduce stress and alleviate anxiety while increasing your productivity.
Imagine the best day possible and let the universe take care of the rest!
Your morning routine is essential to your overall health. While pressing the snooze button every morning might be tempting, it can lead to sleep inertia and other mental and physical discomforts. To reap the benefits of a wholesome, energizing morning routine, why not try and take care of your mind, body, and soul before you get swept up in the buzz of the day?