Peloton Instructor Jess King Dishes On The 'Importance & Significance' Of Incorporating Pilates Into Your Workout Routine
Jess King is best known for leading energetic, calorie-burning workouts on the Peloton bike, but even the instructor has admitted that solely sticking to sweat sessions on the equipment may not give you the results you're looking for.
Instead, the dancer recommends incorporating Pilates into your weekly exercise routine.
"It was a lot to digest at first," she revealed of learning the techniques. "Pilates is very specific, scientific and nuanced."
Still, she "loved it," she declared. "Even with an extensive dance and anatomy vocabulary, Pilates taught me so much about where my imbalances lived and how to mindfully strengthen and lengthen my body."
"Stepping into opportunities to grow, like this one, always makes me feel very alive," King shared. "I feel the thrill of trying something new and simultaneously confront the growing pains that come with being a beginner again.
It took a total of three months for the star to become a certified Pilates trainer, but it was well worth it, as she said her body had "never been happier" than it was during the process.
"I felt strong, from the inside out. I felt connected to my body and felt like I could trust my body to move gracefully without aches and pains throughout the rest of the day," King explained. "I was totally sold on the importance and significance Pilates can have in anyone's life, not just that of an athlete, and have since made it a practice to visit Pilates twice a week."
"Feeling sore? Pilates. Need to warm up, gently, but fully? Pilates. Don't want to work out, but need to move to feel better? Pilates. Don't want to go ballistic? Pilates," she quipped of its range.
Despite being low-impact, she assures clients that it's "not easy."
"I'm working so hard to use my breath and the technique and create the shapes and movement that will make me stronger," she shared. "Pilates is an entirely new way of communicating with yourself and creating new neuromuscular connections."
Now that she's mastered the moves, she decided to start leading Pilates workouts on the Peloton app, noting that she "worked really hard to learn as much as I could to create fun, interesting and effective class plans."
"You will find new ways to direct your body into action that will translate into your other fitness disciplines," she said of the benefits. "I personally think that's something worth exploring and working hard for."