Overworked & Overstressed? 6 Steps To Reorganize, Reenergize And Detox Your Life
Life is busy, and keeping everything under control can sometimes feel impossible. Between family and work obligations, it’s essential to make self-care a priority. Try adding these simple strategies to your daily routine and watch your organization, productivity and success soar while decreasing stress and anxiety.
Be An Early Bird
Getting out of bed before everyone else in your household makes a real difference, even if it’s just having that extra 15 minutes of alone time. A quickie meditation can also have a profound effect, helping to give you a positive mind-set for the day.
Set An Intention
Even if you don’t meditate, it’s important to mentally commit to being productive and organized — and you’ll be amazed by the benefits. “Organized people think through their days,” shared Laura Vanderkam, author of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast. “They ask, ‘What do I need to do to make this a good day?’” And then they do it!
Let Go Of Toxic Relationships
If someone is draining your energy and dragging you down, it’s time to reevaluate. “Whether you have a friend who finds a problem for every solution or a cousin who calls every day to complain about how unfair the world is, negative people can take up a lot of space in your life,” pointed out psychotherapist Amy Morin, author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do. “Cutting out toxic people frees up space for those who matter most in your life.”
Map Out Mealtime
Figuring out what to eat for every meal can be a real time suck, but you can simplify things by prepping in advance. “Try recipes that are practical, easy to follow and have familiar ingredients,” Candice Kumai, author of Cook Yourself Sexy, suggested, adding that you should make sure to stay within your comfort zone. Avoid processed foods and fill your plate with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. You’ll not only eat healthier, but you’ll also feel calmer and enjoy your meals more.
Just Say No
Setting boundaries and taking control of your time and energy are imperative. Billionaire investor Warren Buffett said that “the difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say no to almost everything,” while Apple cofounder Steve Jobs claimed that “focusing isn’t about saying yes; focusing is about saying no.” Stop agreeing to all tasks, invitations and assignments that come your way.
Unplug To Reboot
These days, everyone is wired practically 24/7. If you feel like Instagram, Facebook and email are taking over your life and distracting you from things that truly matter, set aside specific times for checking your inbox and social media, and respond only to important matters. Turn off notifications from time-sucking apps and news sites to avoid constant interruptions. “You’re not going offline entirely but rather choosing when to access your social media sites and networks,” Levi Felix, cofounder of Digital Detox and Camp Grounded advised. “This puts you back in the driver’s seat.”