Sandra Bullock Reveals Her & Channing Tatum's Daughters Went From Foes To Best Friends: 'They're Two A-Type Strong Women'
Years before Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum filmed The Lost City together, the pair first crossed paths inside the principal's office at their local preschool, as the actress' daughter Laila, now 10, butted heads with Tatum's 8-year-old Everly.
"We were called in together because Everly and Laila were trying to alpha the other one out, and we prayed it was the other’s child that caused damage," the Blind Side star quipped to The New York Times.
The mom-of-two joked that she "still has some PTSD" because of the "drama," while the Magic Mike lead said he's since "blocked out" the incident. Luckily, the little ladies let bygones be bygones and became good friends, growing even closer as their parents filmed their action flick.
"It was full months of sleepovers," the Oscar winner shared of the girls with Entertainment Tonight. "I mean, they're the same. They're two A-type strong women who just, you know, they're exerting their power. I respect it."

Bullock even brought Laila and her older brother, Louis, 12, to the recent premiere of the movie. Since the movie is rated PG-13, she made sure to talk to her tots before the flick began.
"I explained it. I discussed everything. I said, 'There's some blood. It's OK.' And there's some having discussions with the penis," she noted, referring to a scene in which she has to come face-to-face with a naked Tatum. "And I said, 'I didn't see it,' and Laila's was just like ... She's convinced I did, but I said I didn't."

The movie screening will likely be one of the last for the actress, as she announced she's taking a hiatus from acting to spend more time with her kids.
"I want to be at home. I'm not doing anyone any favors who's investing in a project if I'm saying, 'I just want to be at home.' 'Cause I was always running, I was always running to the next thing," she explained. "I just want to be present, and responsible for one thing."
At the moment, she doesn't have a set time frame as to when she'll return to Hollywood, but she imagines that it will be when her kids are "teenagers, solidly 16- or 17-year-olds." You'll be missed, Sandy!